Just Energy vs Spark Energy LLC
{{! Intro Paragraph}}[excerpttitle=”Compare {{company_a.name}} & {{company_b.name}} Rates, Plans & Marketing Tactics”intro_line_count=5container=1class=”vertical-unit”]{{! End of Intro Paragraph}}{{! Anchor navigation}}[anchor_navigationclass=”vertical-unit heading-left”title=”What’s on this page?”title_tag=”header”container=1smooth=”1″]{{! CTA Zip Code}}[cta_zip_codecontainer=1title=”Compare Plans for Your Zip Code”class=”vertical-unit”][/cta_zip_code]{{! End of CTA Zip Code}}[content_blocktitle=”Comparing {{company_a.name}} vs {{company_b.name}} Rates & Plans*”container=1class=”vertical-unit anchor-name-Compare-Plans-&-Prices”]
As of 01/29/25, we’ve collected the full list of {{summary.company_a.gimmick_plan_count}} currently available {{company_a.name}} plans and {{summary.company_b.gimmick_plan_count}} {{company_b.name}} plans and listed their rates, terms, and the type of gimmick or standard plan each falls into. These plans are based on an average monthly usage of 2,000 kWh, or what you might use for a typical residential home.
BKV’s lowest rate plan is {{bkv_cheapest_plan.price_formatted}} per kWh for the {{bkv_cheapest_plan.plan_name}} plan – a 100% Renewable no-gimmicks plan.
Compare that to the lowest rate plan from {{company_a.name}} which is currently the {{company_a_cheapest_plan.plan_types.0}} plan at {{company_a_cheapest_plan.price_formatted}} per kWh for a term of 12 months. This plan falls into the following categories: Base Fee (gimmick), Bill Credits (gimmick). And also check that against {{company_b.name}} lowest rate plan, the {{company_a_cheapest_plan.plan_types.0}} plan at {{company_a_cheapest_plan.price_formatted}} per kWh – a Base Fee (gimmick), Bill Credits (gimmick) type of plan. Gimmick plans may lead to prices not being what you expect in the long run.
The average rate among all {{company_a.name}} plans is currently {{providers.0.price_avg_formatted}} per kWh, including all term lengths available. The average rate among all {{company_b.name}} plans is currently {{company_a_cheapest_plan.price_formatted}} per kWh, including all term lengths available.
Check out the tables below to compare {{company_a.name}} vs {{company_b.name}} plans and rates for different standard electric contract terms:
[/content_block]{{! Widget Price Plans Table }}[tabletable_class=”table-bordered”table_responsive_class=”table-responsive”title=’Compare {{company_a.name}} vs {{company_b.name}} 12 – Month Rates & Plans’container=1class=”vertical-unit “data_source=”price_comparison”company_ids={{context.company_a_id}},{{context.company_b_id}}plan_term=12max=100min=100][/table]{{! End of Widget }}{{! Widget Price Plans Table }}[tabletable_class=”table-bordered”table_responsive_class=”table-responsive”title=’Compare {{company_a.name}} vs {{company_b.name}} 24 – Month Rates & Plans’container=1class=”vertical-unit “data_source=”price_comparison”company_ids={{context.company_a_id}},{{context.company_b_id}}plan_term=24max=100min=100][/table]{{! End of Widget }}{{! Widget Price Plans Table }}[tabletable_class=”table-bordered”table_responsive_class=”table-responsive”title=’Compare
{{company_a.name}} vs
{{company_b.name}} 36 – Month Rates & Plans’container=1class=””data_source=”price_comparison”company_ids={{context.company_a_id}},{{context.company_b_id}}plan_term=36max=100min=100][/table]{{! End of Widget }}{{! Plan tables declaimer }}[content_blockcontainer=1class=”vertical-unit”]
*Rates and plans may vary, make sure to check the {{company_a.name}} and {{company_b.name}} websites for the latest information
[/content_block]{{! End plan tables declaimer }}{{! Widget Z – Choose the Right Plan }}[conversioncontainer=1wrapper_class=”vertical-unit”][/conversion]{{! End of Widget Z}}{{! Widget AA – Compare Plan Types Intro }}[content_blocktitle=”Learn What Marketing Tactics
{{company_a.short_name}} and
{{company_b.short_name}} Commonly Use in Their Plans”class=”vertical-unit”autop_intro=1container=1]Before you select an electricity plan, it’s important to understand more about how the different types of plans offered by providers like
{{company_a.short_name}} and
{{company_b.short_name}} work. First, you need to know how to identify a
Gimmicky Plan.Standard electricity plans are those you can trust to offer just what they say, without tricks that mislead you about the ultimate price you’ll pay on your electrical bill. However, many providers use “Gimmicky” plans to grab your attention. The prices seem very cheap at first glance, but when you dive a bit deeper you may end up paying much more than you’d expect!Examples of standard plans include
Simple Fixed Rate,
Variable Rate,
Solar Buyback, and
100% Renewable Energy plans – but only if they don’t come with certain gimmicks attached. Gimmicky plans typically include
“Bullseye” Plans, plans with a
Base Fee,
EV Charging plans, plans that offer
Bill Credits, and
Free Nights or
Free Weekends.Let’s see how
{{company_b.name}} and
{{company_a.name}} plans stack up, and what types each company offers currently…[/content_block]{{! End Widget AA – Compare Plan Types Intro }}{{! Widget S1 – No Gimmick Plans Table }}[tabletable_class=”table-bordered”table_responsive_class=”table-responsive”title=’Standard “No Gimmicks” Plans’container=1class=”vertical-unit anchor-name-Compare-Standard-No-Gimmick-Plans”data_source=”plan_comparison”company_ids={{context.company_a_id}},{{context.company_b_id}}is_gimmick=0]The table below shows what types of “standard” plans – plans with no gimmicks – both
{{company_a.short_name}} and
{{company_b.short_name}} offer currently. Check back often, as we keep this data updated daily. You’ll note that
BKVE only offers non-gimmick, standard plans to our customers. (Updated
01/29/25)[/table]{{! End of Widget S1 }}{{! Widget S2 – Gimmick Plans Table }}[tabletable_class=”table-bordered”table_responsive_class=”table-responsive”title=”Gimmick Plans”container=1class=”vertical-unit anchor-name-Compare-Gimmick-Plans”data_source=”plan_comparison”company_ids={{context.company_a_id}},{{context.company_b_id}}is_gimmick=1]The table below shows what types of “gimmick” plans both
{{company_a.short_name}} and
{{company_b.short_name}} offer currently. Click on “Learn More” under each type to educate yourself so you can make a better choice in electricity provider. At
BKVE, we don’t offer any plans with gimmicks so you know what you’re getting the day you sign up! (Updated
01/29/25)[/table]{{! End of Widget S2 }}{{! Widget R – Testimonials }}
"There are a ton of ways that these electricity companies can trick people. BKV Energy was among the clearest, and easiest to digest. This is the type of company I want to do business with."
- M.K.
"Great customer service and look forward to being a long time customer. Saved over $200 a month transferring from Reliant."
- B.J.
"Great electric company. They are very fair and honest with their pricing. Most providers have tricky price structures that make it hard to know what your bill will be. But with BKV Energy you know exactly what you will get. Highly recommend!"
- N.T.
"Informative website, seamless sign-up, and excellent customer service. I'm thrilled we locked in such a good rate for an extended period of time. I'm looking forward to saving extra money this summer."
- E.F.
{{! End of Widget R}}{{! Widget L – BKV Carousel Large Homes }}[card_viewertitle=”Compare
{{company_a.name}} &
{{company_b.name}} Plans to BKV Energy Residential Plans”columns=”xs-1,md-2,xl-3″autop_intro=1class=”vertical-unit”region_id=4696376container=1]While
{{company_a.short_name}} and
{{company_b.short_name}} offer estimated 2000 kWh plans for Houston for as much as {{competitor_cheapest_large_home_plan.price_formatted}} kWh,
BKVE has 12, 24 and 36 month plans for as low as {{providers | Filter.in:slice,large home | Sort.number:price_min | Alias:has_bkv.0.price_min_formatted}} kWh – and no gimmicks![/card_viewer]{{! Widget T – Compare Companies Table}}[tablecontainer=1title=”Company Comparison:
{{company_a.short_name}} &
{{company_b.short_name}}“class=”vertical-unit anchor-name-Compare-{{{company_a.short_name | Format.anchor}}}-and-{{{company_b.short_name | Format.anchor}}}-Facts”table_class=”table-bordered”intro_line_count=1table_responsive_class=”table-responsive”data_source=”companies”label_more=”Show More”label_less=”Show Less”autop_intro=1company_ids={{context.company_a_id}},{{context.company_b_id}}]What better way to compare companies than a simple side-by-side dust up of
{{company_a.short_name}} and
{{company_a.short_name}} is headquartered in {{company_a.city}} and
{{company_b.short_name}}’s central offices are in {{company_b.city}}.{{#company_a.customer_count | Alias:has_customers}}{{#company_b.customer_count | Alias:has_customers}}
{{company_a.short_name}} has about {{company_a.customer_count}}, with
{{company_b.short_name}} at around {{company_b.customer_count}}.{{/company_b.customer_count}}{{/company_a.customer_count}} Headed by CEO {{company_a.ceo}},
{{company_a.short_name}} was founded in {{company_a.founded_year}}.
{{company_b.short_name}}’s chief executive is {{company_b.ceo}}, and the company was founded in the year {{company_b.founded_year}}.[/table]{{! End of Widget T }}{{! Widget P – Crosslinks }}[content_blocktitle=”Compare More Power Companies in Texas”class=”vertical-unit”container=1/]{{{company_a_pages | Links.widget:'{ “container”: 1, “title”: “%company_a.short_name% Compared to Other Providers”, “class”: “sc-links vertical-unit collapsible”, “min”: 12, “max”: 1000, “label_more”: “more”, “label_less”: “less”, “template”: “%_.company_a.short_name% vs. %name%”, “heading_level”: 3 }’}}}{{{company_b_pages | Links.widget:'{ “container”: 1, “title”: “%company_b.short_name% Compared to Other Providers”, “class”: “sc-links vertical-unit collapsible”, “min”: 12, “max”: 1000, “label_more”: “more”, “label_less”: “less”, “template”: “%_.company_b.short_name% vs. %name%”, “heading_level”: 3 }’}}}[linkstitle=”Top Cities in Texas”class=”vertical-unit show-max”container=1heading_level=”3″page_type=”city”min=”12″max=”24″label_less=””/]{{! End of Widget P}}{{! Widget Q – Zipcode Modal }}
{{! End of Widget Q}}[breadcrumbswrapper_class=”full-width”class=”hidden-md-up”container=1]